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UK NI Scotland Wales

This Counts as Care

We've launched an exciting new advertising campaign to help get people thinking about what they might be doing for a relative, loved one or friend - and whether now, This Counts as Care. The campaign has been made possible through generously donated media space and the pro-bono work of the creative agency, MullenLowe.

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111 MPs and Peers show their support for unpaid carers at event in Parliament

Today, key charities brought unpaid carers to an event in Parliament to share their experiences of caring with MPs and Peers.


Press Release

New Report Reveals Unspoken Challenges Faced by Carers for Parents, Partners, and Children in Wales / Adroddiad Newydd yn Datgelu'r Heriau Anllafar a Wynebir gan Ofalwyr i Rieni, Partneriaid a Phlant yng Nghymru


The unspoken challenges of being a carer for parents,partners and children / Yr Heriau na SonnirAmdanynt o Fod yn Ofalwr i Rieni,Partneriaid, a Phlant

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Talking to other carers on the forum is great. I've gained so much useful information from Carers UK

Mary from Bedford

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