Ultimately our Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the charity and everyone working for it operates within an increasingly complex legal framework.
Each Trustee is an unpaid volunteer with particular skills and experience. Our Nominations Committee ensures that we maintain the right balance of skills, diversity and caring experience, so the Board is equipped to lead the charity well.
Carers Scotland, Carers Wales and Carers Northern Ireland are all governed by committees of carers and former carers. The Carers UK Board of Trustees must include representation from all four nations.
Our current trustees
Nick Baird CMG CVO - appointed 2020
Nick Baird is a former Ambassador and business leader, and is currently Chair of the Trade Remedies Authority.
He has extensive government experience, where his roles included CEO of UK Trade and Investment (2011-2013) and British Ambassador to Turkey (2006-2009). He was a member of the Boards of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
In the business sphere, he was Group Corporate Affairs Director for Centrica plc (2014-2022) and a Non-Executive Director of Nord Anglia Education (2015-2017).
He was Chair of Council at Cheltenham Ladies College (2020-2024), and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew (2015-2021) and the Advisory Council of Sheffield University School of management (2012-2018).
Nick is married to Caroline, a teacher, and has three children. He has caring responsibilities for his adult sister with special needs
Vice Chair
Virginia Pulbrook – appointed 2017
Ginny’s background is in investment banking and she is a cofounder of one of the UK’s leading corporate and financial communications companies. She is a highly experienced board-level adviser to a broad range of UK and overseas companies.
Her past non-executive roles include serving on the Development Council of the Natural History Museum and founding the Patrons’ Programme. Ginny is currently a non-executive director of Stobart Group plc
Ginny spent 11 years as a carer for her mother.
Eleanor Bradley - appointed 2017
Eleanor is an experienced executive and non-executive director. She has worked in the internet industry for over 25 years leading teams responsible for operations, service delivery, policy development and corporate services including finance, legal and HR. She is passionate about the potential for technology to change lives for the better and has led a wide range of social impact programmes focused on digital inclusion, skills and safety.
Tim Anfilogoff - appointed 2017
Tim works as Head of Community Resilience with Herts Valleys CCG, leading on social prescribing and carers. Tim is a committee member of the national social prescribing network and co-chair for the EoE.
Tim led the Herts and West Essex Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) winning the Health Service Journal (HSJ) System Led Support for Carers award (2018).He managed the National Carers’ Strategy and Carers Grant for Department of Health during 1999 – 2001 writing practice guidance on the Carers and Disabled Children Act (2000).
He lives in Suffolk, where he and his wife care for their daughter.
Dr Helen Brown - appointed 2018
Caring for her mother in 2004 opened Helen’s eyes to issues facing family carers and began her commitment to help recognise, inform and improve life for all carers. During her time as Chief Executive of West Anglia Crossroads / Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough & Norfolk she was involved in developing carers strategies and policy and providing practical support for thousands of carers in the East of England.
Helen was appointed to the government’s Standing Commission on Carers and the Independent Advisory Group on Carers (2015-17), working on the Carers Strategy. Helen previously held senior roles in the global agrochemical industry and Not for Profit sectors and brings a wealth of experience to the Board.
Margaret Dangoor - appointed 2018
Margaret has been a Carers UK Member since 2010 and a volunteer since 2013. She has represented Carers UK on radio, television and at conferences. She was appointed as a trustee of the Centre for Ageing Better in June 2017.
As a recent past family carer for almost twenty years Margaret has been deeply committed and involved with promoting the interests of carers, and she is passionate about linking real life experience with policy makers and influencers. Margaret’s long-term career background was in the NHS. As a general manager she focused on risk, patient safety and medico-legal management. Margaret holds an MA in Health Law.
Beverley Harden MBE - appointed 2018
Beverley has extensive experience as both a carer herself and as a physiotherapist working to support, identify and work in partnership with carers. As a leader in hospital-based, health services she championed both the access for and involvement of carers, but also rest for carers during hospital admissions, Beverley is currently the National Lead for the Allied Health Professions at Health Education England.
Flora Martin MBE FCIPR - Chair Scotland Committee - appointed 2018
Flora spent most of her career in consumer public relations and is acknowledged as one of Scotland’s leading media gurus. She set up her own consultancy in 1989 which became one of the most successful integrated PR and advertising agencies in Scotland.
Flora brings a wealth of experience as a non-executive charity director as well as communications expertise and is based in Glasgow.
Siva Shan - appointed 2017
Siva has a professional background in business strategy and transformation and has over 15 years of experience working with multinational clients in the Telecommunications, Media & Technology sectors. Siva has supported Carers UK in optimising its own digital capabilities. Prior to his current roles, Siva trained and qualified as a barrister to the Bar of England and Wales.
During the past five years, Siva has been a care co-ordinator for his parents. Through this experience, he has developed an understanding of the challenges that full-time workers face in managing care for loved ones, and has recognised opportunities for leveraging technology to help manage these challenges.
Visala James - appointed 2023
Visala has 25 years of leadership, brand, sales & marketing experience working at global corporations including Procter & Gamble, Colgate Palmolive, Hasbro and Syngenta. She is married to Rob and has 2 daughters. Rob was paralyzed in a serious cycling accident in 2018. Since then both Visala and Rob have focused their efforts towards helping the spinal cord injury community, primarily in the areas of Caregiving and Employment. Visala is Board President of BACKBONES, a US non-profit supporting people with spinal cord injury and their families. She has also been caring for her live-in mother for the past 20 years.
Somaya Akhtar - appointed 2024 
Somaya is a Tax Leader of a large private equity backed group. She is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser with over 10 years post-qualified experience having worked at EY, KPMG, Grant Thornton, and large organisations such as Sodexo and currently M Group Services.
Somaya is married with three children and is a devoted carer for her young son. Beyond her professional life, Somaya is a champion for disability and carer equity, and passionate about helping others.
Anthony Hatter - appointed 2024
Anthony is the Global Marketing and Communications lead for acquisition due-diligence and post-merger integration at Accenture. Accenture currently acquires between 25 and 40 companies a year. He is also the executive Sponsor for Accenture's UK Carers' Network, a straight ally, and mental health ally.
He has worked at Accenture for more than 20 years, in a variety of media relations, communications and marketing roles. He is a London Independent Visitor, supporting a young person in care.
David Josephs - appointed 2024
David has worked as a Public Relations advisor to many of the world’s best known technology companies, and now acts as non-executive director to a number of UK and European PR firms.
He’s married with two adult sons, the youngest of whom has had severe epilepsy and profound learning disabilities since the age of two. He also supports his mother-in-law who has cancer and symptoms of cognitive decline.
David has been a mentor for Carers in Hertfordshire, amassing particular experience in the field of NHS Continuing Healthcare. He has also served as Chair of the Joint Epilepsy Council of the UK and Ireland.
Marnie Woodward - appointed 2024
Marnie’s early career was in banking in New York, Frankfurt and London. A Chartered Management Accountant, she has been involved in the charity sector as a finance director for most of her professional career, having worked with the Dulwich Picture Gallery, Mental Health Foundation, Musicians Benevolent Fund and RPS Rainer among others. She was trustee and treasurer of Wikimedia UK from 2018 to 2023, and is currently treasurer of two local charities. She brings knowledge and experience of financial and organisational issues across a range of charitable enterprises.
Now retired, Marnie lives in Kent and is a full-time carer for her husband Tony.
Our committees
The Board of Trustees includes three committees where trustees can use their skills and expertise to focus on specific issues in more detail.
- The Finance & Resources Committee aims to scrutinise Carers UK’s finances and other resources and to report and make recommendations to the Board as relevant.
- The Governance, Constitution and Membership Committee aims to scrutinise Carers UK’s governance and constitution and optimise its membership. The Committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board as relevant.
- The Remuneration Committee aims to provide assurance to the Board that Carers UK has an effective remuneration policy in place which supports the delivery of our overall Strategy, promoting an effective, high performing and diverse workforce.
- The Nominations Committee aims to make recommendations to the Board of new trustees ensuring the overall Board comprises of; both the skills matrix and the requirement to have a majority of carer members; appropriate diversity of Trustees and that all equality legislation and good practice is adhered to. The Nominations Committee also aims to make recommendations to the Board of potential honorary positions including president, vice-presidents or patrons.