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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

While Christmas can be a joyful time for some carers, sadly, for many others it can be incredibly difficult, with extra costs, fewer services, and increased loneliness. This research briefing explores how carers are feeling about Christmas in 2020.

This year has been exceptionally hard for many carers. Some are looking forward to Christmas and seeing family and friends over the holidays, but others remain concerned and worried about how they will manage:

  • 59% were too worried about COVID-19 to risk seeing their family and friends this year, meaning they will have to go without their usual support.
  • 44% are very worried about the fact that they will have no support.
  • 45% said they were very worried about the extra costs.
  • 49% of carers said Christmas makes them feel more lonely than normal.

In addition, 68% have already had to go without so much support this year, they do not think that Christmas will be any different.

At the end of this briefing, we set out what carers want to help them through Christmas and the New Year and our recommendations for how the government can provide them with additional support to help them cope during the pandemic.

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