Helpful resources
This comprehensive resource supports health and care systems in England to improve the inclusion, support, and involvement of unpaid carers. It brings together statutory duties and best practice resources developed by the Carers Partnership (2022–2025), to help health and care professionals reduce the health inequalities carers face, better identify unpaid carers, and drive transformative change. Download the resource here.
This toolkit brings together resources that the Carers Partnership has developed to support the delivery of virtual wards in England and ensure they consider and engage with unpaid carers. This toolkit is intended for use by local authorities involved in virtual wards, local carer organisations, and carers engaged with virtual wards. It will also support virtual wards teams to ensure they are providing the right support to unpaid carers. Download the resource here.
This resource has been created as a toolkit for London hospitals and community providers and provides action-orientated ‘Top tips’ for good practice, aimed at improving outcomes for all carers through their hospital journey. It serves as a blueprint for other hospitals and other community providers to learn from. It is intended to help providers improve the experience of carers during hospital discharge or during an admission/discharge to a virtual ward. The resource was created by NHS England London in partnership with Carers UK and other organisations. Download the resource here.
This resource looks at what good carers' assessments look like, as well as areas for improvement, with a particular focus on the experiences of carers from communities who face additional barriers and other health inequalities. It is to be used by commissioners, service providers and policy makers when looking at how assessments in England are provided to unpaid carers, in order to improve carers' outcomes. As well as evidence from unpaid carers, it includes a number of different areas of practice in England. Download the resource here.
Carers UK together with Carers Trust and the Department of Health developed the Carers Passport scheme. A Carer Passport in a hospital is a simple tool which helps to identify and recognises someone as a carer for a patient in their hospital. The Carer Passport allows the carer to be more involved in the patient’s care and connects them to additional support. The video below explains how a Carer Passport scheme in your hospital could benefit you. You can find a range if resources here.
Find out more
Watch the recording of our webinar marking the launch of a new resource from the Carers Partnership (Carers UK and Carers Trust) on Identifying and supporting unpaid carers in England to improve integrated system working.
The following video explains how a Carer Passport scheme in your hospital could benefit you.
To find out more about the issues affecting unpaid carers throughout the UK, please visit our Policy Library where you can read our latest reports, policy briefings, consultation document.