Thank you for choosing to fundraise in support of Carers UK. We hope that your fundraising is fun for everyone and that you’re able to raise as much money as possible so that together we can help make life better for carers in the UK.
Before you get started it is essential that you follow all legal requirements and regulations set out here, and that you take the time to identify any potential risks to you and those you involve in your activity, so that everyone involved stays healthy and safe.
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to prioritise your the health and safety so you can carry out your fundraising sensitively and responsibly, while being in-line with the Code of Fundraising Practice and current UK Government advice on Coronavirus.
If you would like to fundraise on behalf of Carers UK, our Fundraising Team would love to hear about your ideas and help you to develop your plans in line with current best practice. Just email and one of the Fundraising Team will be in touch.
Fundraising Regulator Advice for respectful interaction with the public
If you're fundraising on behalf of Carers UK in your community, we would ask that you follow this advice to give you the best fundraising experience:
- Do not apply undue pressure to donors. As the services provided by charities come under increasing demand, public donations are more important than ever to enable charities, like Carers UK, to meet those demands. Although you can talk about your cause and why a donation matters to your charity, this needs to be in-line with the Code of Fundraising Practice (see section 1.2). You must not apply undue pressure (for example, intrude on their privacy or to press ahead with a fundraising ask if they have already said ‘no’). See section 1.1.3 of the code for more information.
- Be polite and respectful. You must remain polite and respectful at all times. This is particularly important now as people’s daily lives have changed so dramatically and there is heightened concern around personal and financial wellbeing. See section 1.1 of the code for more information.
- Be mindful of how the public may respond to your fundraising. Although the public continues to be hugely supportive of charities during the pandemic, do not assume that all individuals will want to donate or engage with you in the same way as they did before. While many people will want to give and are keen to donate, others will be experiencing financial difficulties, anxiety or grief. It is impossible to know every individual’s situation, but you should consider the range of likely responses and ensure that your fundraisers can and are actively responding appropriately to the signals and needs of any individual. You should be ready and willing to explain openly and clearly why you are fundraising, and the steps you have taken to ensure it is being done responsibly.
Thank you so much for choosing to fundraise for Carers UK.
Your support is always greatly appreciated, particularly during these unprecedented times.
Carers UK accepts no liability for events organised by third parties. The information provided in this section of the website is not exhaustive and you should seek further advice, where required.
Please also consider any other potential risks before going ahead with your event or activity. If in doubt, please get in touch.
Carers UK is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and adheres to the Code of Fundraising Practice. It has sections relevant to anyone wishing to fundraise for charity and advice on things that you as a fundraiser must do. Please consider any other potential risks before going ahead with your event or activity.
It is illegal to collect money for a charity on the street or house-to-house without a licence. To apply for a street collection licence in England and Wales, enter your postcode here or visit The Fundraising Regulator for more information.
Ask your local authority whether or not you need to obtain any special licences (such as public entertainment, collection or alcohol licences). If you are holding the event in a public place, you must have permission from the council or landowner.
When you’re organising a fundraising event of any kind, it’s important to identify potential risks so that everyone involved stays healthy and safe. Identify all the potential hazards that might cause harm to yourself and/or others at your fundraising event by following these steps:
- Identify the potential risks and hazards.
- Identify who could be injured or made ill.
- Prioritise the risks as low/medium/high.
- Record the actions you need to take to remove or control those risks.
- Review your assessment as you plan/once you have set up your event to check for any additional hazards or risks.
Here's a more detailed guide to making a risk assessment.
Ensure you have adequate first aid cover available for the size of your activity. If you’re not sure, check with your local council.
If you hold a small raffle on the day of your activity you do not need a licence, so long as all ticket sales and the draw itself take place during the main event. It is okay if your event lasts more than one day. Tickets must all be sold for the same price with no discounts applied. You must make it clear who is running the raffle. Check the latest information and advice from the Gambling Commission and from the Chartered Institute of Fundraising.
Please remember you are responsible for the activity and Carers UK cannot accept liability for any fundraising activity or event you undertake.
If you are planning an activity that involves the general public, you’ll need to budget for public liability insurance, which can be obtained from any insurer. If you are holding the event in a venue which has liability insurance (such as a village hall or pub), check they have the appropriate insurance and that it covers your activity. For more information visit the government website. We cannot provide insurance for you, but if you have any questions please email
If children and young people will be at your event you should pay special attention to the risks involved in your planned activity and at the venue itself. You should check that they have permission to take part and that there is suitable adult supervision.
If you are taking photos or videos you always need to gain parental consent and should never be published or distributed without their explicit permission. If your event is on private property, get permission from the owner or manager. The NSPCC has guidance on child protection and safeguarding including photography and image sharing.
Food safety laws apply when food is available, whether it is for sale or not. Ensure you follow food hygiene procedures. Contact your local council for food hygiene regulations at events or have a look at the Food Standards Agency's website. If you intend to serve alcohol at your event, you need to check whether you need a licence and, if so, what type. You must not serve alcohol to anyone under 18 years of age. Visit the government website for further details.
For your own protection, if at all possible, make sure you count the money you've collected with another person present and have them verify the total amount raised. Ask people who want to make a donation by cheque to make it payable to Carers UK rather than you personally. Make sure any cash donated is kept in a secure place and is banked as soon as possible. For more information on paying your money in, please visit collecting for Carers UK.
Need more help?
There’s lots of information available to keep everything safe and legal. Here are some organisations who can help with specific advice:
- Chartered Institute of Fundraising
- Fundraising Regulator
- The Cabinet Office
- The Gambling Commission
- The Food Standards Authority
- Your local authority
We are here to help you get the most out of your fundraising for Carers UK and above all have fun and be safe and legal.
We would love to hear about your fundraising idea and your plans to support the best we can. Having plenty of time to put together your idea will help you think about all the elements needed to help you get the most out of your fundraising.
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