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UK NI Scotland Wales

The purpose of this agreement is to set out what you can expect from Carers UK and what we expect of you in your role. It is not intended to be legally binding and either party can end it at any time by informing the other if they wish to do so.

Please read the following points carefully.


What can you expect from us?

  • We will follow the policies, procedures and standards of the organisation in relation to volunteers.
  • We will send volunteering communications by email and sometimes by post to keep you informed.
  • We will resolve any concerns promptly and fairly in line with our complaints and feedback procedure.
  • On request, we will provide personal references for people who have actively volunteered their time for us.
  • We will operate within the spirit of equality, diversity and our values.
  • We will celebrate your successes and recognise your achievements in our regular communications.
  • We will give you a clear and defined role profile.
  • We will offer flexibility within volunteering opportunities and take into account any caring and other commitments that you have.
  • We will provide written, video or face to face induction on the work of Carers UK and give you appropriate resources to carry out your role effectively.
  • Our staff are trained to support you in whichever volunteering role you chose to do.
  • We will cover reasonable out of pocket travel expenses with corresponding receipts.
  • We will have adequate insurance to cover you while undertaking voluntary activities authorised by Carers UK.


What do we expect from you?

  • You’ll engage with your volunteering to the best of your ability.
  • You’ll perform tasks and undertake training in line with your role.
  • You’ll report on your volunteering activities regularly and when requested to by the volunteering team.
  • You’ll support our values and show respect to your fellow volunteers, Carers UK members and staff, and other people you meet when volunteering for us. Carers UK does not tolerate discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender, marriage or civil partnership status, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
  • You’ll be happy for us to send you communications via email and post.
  • You’ll volunteer within the organisation’s health and safety policies and the boundaries of your role.
  • You’ll agree not to have any unsupervised contact with anyone under the age of 18 or a vulnerable adult while undertaking volunteering activities for Carers UK (a vulnerable adult is someone who requires professional health care, personal care or who requires day-to-day assistance because of their age, illness or disability)
  • When using social media to raise awareness of caring and Carers UK, you’ll use your best judgement, avoiding contentious topics (eg politics and religion) and showing respect for others’ opinions.
  • You’ll respect the confidentiality of the organisation and its members.
  • You’ll bring any comments or concerns you might have to the attention of a member of the Volunteering Team.
  • You will not use your status as a Carers UK volunteer for commercial gain – if you think there could be a conflict of interest between your volunteering and your private interests, please let us know.
  • You’ll maintain the good name and reputation of Carers UK throughout your time as a volunteer.

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