Guide to saving on health and care costs

Guide to saving on health and care costs
You could receive help with certain costs and free services through the NHS. Find out more
NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS Continuing Healthcare
If someone you care for has complex ongoing health needs, they may be entitled to long-term financial assistance.
Guides on nutrition

Guides on nutrition
We have teamed up with nutritional expert, Nutricia and have co-produced a number of free online guides on eating well and ensuring those you care for have all the nutrients they need.
Direct Payments

Direct Payments
If you qualify for extra support for yourself or for someone you care for from your local council or trust, you may be offered a direct payment to enable you to arrange this support yourself.
Personal budgets

Personal budgets
Your personal budget is the amount of money your local council or trust will pay towards your care needs. It can give you more choice and control over your support.
Disability benefits

Disability benefits
If someone you care for has a physical or mental disability or if you have one yourself, you may be able to claim some extra money be applying for a disability benefit.
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