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What are my rights as a working carer?

Your rights in work come from two sources:

  • The law gives you ‘statutory rights’ which everyone has. 
  • Your contract of employment gives you ‘contractual rights’ which can be more generous than statutory rights. 

In this section, we provide guidance about your statutory rights as a working carer. However, it's always worth checking your contract of employment, staff handbook, HR policies or letter of appointment to see if you have any contractual rights on top of your statutory rights. 


What happens if I'm on a zero-hours contract?

Some people on zero-hours contracts may be engaged as employees (so would be covered by the Carer’s Leave Act) and others may be workers.

Your employment rights are based on this status (ie whether you are an employee or a worker) and not on having a zero-hours contract. (A zero-hours contract is not a legal term and the exact nature of this may vary from organisation to organisation.) There's some helpful guidance on the Acas website: Zero-hours contracts - Acas

Acas advise individuals on zero-hours contracts to check their employment status and ask their employer for clarification if unsure. Check your employment status 'to help you to find out your full range of rights as an employee or worker'. 

Further information

For further information about your general rights,  see the GOV.UK website. 
For a summary of your statutory rights, you can also take a look at our factsheet, Your rights in work. 


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