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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

Notice on exercise

Any form of physical exercise or activity can sometimes cause irritations and pain if not practiced attentively and mindfully. For example, make sure you have a safe space around you (no obstacles), take breaks whenever you need to and do as little or as much of the activity as you choose. Before you undertake any online sessions involving movement and physical activity, you must be happy that you are currently physically and mentally able to undertake the activity and do not attempt something that you are not comfortable with.

By participating in the sessions below, you take responsibility for your activities and your body - Carers UK or the session facilitator does not accept liability for any injuries caused. If you have any current medical conditions or injuries, or are pregnant, you may wish to consult your doctor for specific advice before taking part in the session.

Zumba fitness


Tai Chi movements


Daytime disco with Pasna Sallis


Energising fitness with Sophie Tosone


Pilates with Jane Alexander


Gentle exercises with Kelly Harman


Step fitness session


Stretch and tone session


Introduction to line dancing


Energising fitness


Find and watch all recorded sessions on our Share and Learn YouTube playlist.

Want more free exercise videos?

Our Carers Active Hub has a range of exercise videos for carers.

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