About our recordings
A series of recordings of sessions with Carers UK Helpline advisers and other specialist speakers. Please note that guidance and tips are for general information purposes only, are correct as of time of recording and do not qualify as advice. For advice on your caring situation, please email advice@carersuk.org
Diabetes UK session
British Liver Trust
Keys to healthy ageing
Pension Credit
Stroke Association
Contingency planning
Jointly session
Power of Attorney session
Fibromyalgia Action UK session
Carer's Allowance and the earnings limit
Pollen Careers
Financial support when your caring role changes
Tips and guidance for carers: disability benefits
Find and watch all recorded sessions on our Share and Learn YouTube playlist.
Latest updates
Carers NI report highlights that carers are living lives defined by poverty and financial strain
A new survey from Carers NI exploring the financial impacts of being an unpaid carer has laid bare the terrible…
60th Anniversary Stories: Our Story
To mark Carers UK's 60th Anniversary in Scotland, we are using our platform to share the stories of carers across…
Carers NI hosts 60th anniversary event at Stormont
On Wednesday 22 January Carers NI hosted a parliamentary event at Parliament Buildings, Stormont.
Carers hope for a better future beyond the breaking point
The role that Northern Ireland’s carers play in propping up a struggling health service and their hopes for a brighter…
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