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Matthew standing in between his brothers
Matthew’s journey: how caring led to volunteering

Matthew Mckenzie joined Carers UK as a member in 2013 and is also an incredible volunteer, generously sharing his caring experiences, leading several Share and Learn sessions and raising awareness at local events.

Geoff sitting with his arm around his wife Jean
Geoff’s story

Carers UK caught up with Geoff Almond from St Helens, who cares for his wife, Jean, who has Multiple Sclerosis. Geoff, who is now retired, was fortunate to have an employer and colleagues who were supportive of his responsibilities as a working carer. Geoff shares his insight into how the Carer’s Leave Act will be an important improvement for people juggling work and unpaid caring responsibilities.

Adam and his daughter Evie taking a selfie while wearing face masks
Adam’s story: life as a parent carer

Adam has been caring for his daughter Evie since she was born, when at only 14 days old she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Adam gives us an insight into his and his daughter’s life, with Evie now been 14 years old, and what he has found helpful in managing his caring role.

Mina with her Dad Aslam
Mina’s story: caring for mum and dad

At the age of 44, Mina Akhtar from Birmingham has been a carer for her mum, Fazeelat, and dad, Aslam, for over half of her life. Mina shares her story with Carers UK, as she talks about the highs and the lows of her caring experience.

Olga smiling with her dad
Caring from afar: Olga’s story

Since 2015, Olga’s caring role has been shifted and reshaped with the needs of those she cared for - her parents. Sharing her challenges around shared caring, distance caring and managing her mother’s affairs, her message is clear - don’t be afraid to seek help.

Norman standing with other volunteers at a community event
Taking steps for carers: Norman’s volunteering story

Norman is a carer, Carers UK volunteer and local volunteer in Hertfordshire. Since 2014, he’s been organising sponsored walks during Carers Week to raise funds and spread awareness of caring in his community. 

Laura and her grandmother
“I didn’t know I was a carer” - Laura's story

Laura describes how it took her years of providing care to realise her role had become more than just being a granddaughter.

Kausar sitting on a sofa with her brothers
Kausar’s story: “As their carer, I became a mother to my brothers”

Kausar Iqbal moved to the UK from Pakistan at a young age and has been a carer for her brothers since she was a child. Kausar spoke to Carers UK about her journey as a sibling carer. 

Helen’s volunteering story

Helen Dowse volunteers for Carers UK as an Online Awareness Raiser. She describes what that position involves and how volunteering helped her recognise her own role as an unpaid carer.

David lying in a bed
Much Ado About Dying

When Simon started receiving calls in India from his uncle David, who was living alone in England, it started a caring story that is being shared in the exceptional documentary, Much Ado About Dying. Simon sat down with us to talk us through looking after David and how the film came about.

Jackie and her husband sat on an armchair
Time to spend on yourself

Jackie shares how she looks after her wellbeing by staying active alongside caring for her husband.

Caring for someone with sight loss: Sue’s story

Sue shares what it’s like to care for her husband, who has sight loss, and the challenge of keeping his boredom at bay. 

Annette and her mum sat on a wall outside
Life after caring: Annette's story

Annette Greatorex cared for her mum for over a decade. She shares how her life has changed since her caring role came to an end. 

Chris and their partner
Thrown in at the deep end 

When Chris’ partner had a sudden stroke, he learnt how hard caring can be – and discovered some surprising upsides. 

Julie smiling sat at a table
Caring for someone with an addiction: Julie’s story 

Julie shares how she’s learnt to detach herself from her son, who has several health problems and an addiction to drugs and alcohol. 

Tandy and her mum Valerie holding a drink up
“Nothing can prepare you for this”: Tandy’s story 

Tandy shares her experiences of providing end of life cancer care to her mum Valerie at home. 

A person going on a walk in the park
Carers Active stories

Read stories from carers of becoming and staying physically active alongside their caring roles.

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