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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

“Jean was diagnosed with MS in 1996. She’d had it for a long time before then and not realised. It’s a strange disease, as it comes and goes, so you can have it and not really know. But in 1996 she had a particularly bad relapse and went downhill very quickly from then.

“We were both teachers in different schools. With Jean having to give up work due to the MS and me being the head teacher at a primary school, we had a big decision to make; whether I was going to carry on working, or whether I was going to become a full-time carer. My local authority was very supportive and understanding, they offered me the flexibility to try and manage my work commitments alongside my responsibilities to Jean, for things like appointments and so on.

“Without the support I received from my employers and colleagues, it would have meant finishing work. It’s as stark as that. And that decision would’ve come with huge implications. Obviously, there would be the immediate financial situation of losing both our incomes, but also the longer term implications such as my pension. As well as the financial side of things, there’s how much it meant to me to be able to carry on with a career and having another outlet. Being able to keep that part of my identity was so important, so I feel lucky to have been able to keep working for a further 14 years before I retired in 2010.

“I know I was fortunate to have an employer who was supportive of my caring role, and I am glad that the Carer’s Leave Act will offer at least some flexibility to others who are perhaps in a less fortunate position than I was, whether they are currently juggling work and care or hoping this offers them the opportunity to return to work. But there is still so much more needed, like more than five days and ultimately paid carer’s leave, though I realise what an important first step this is, and I know that Carers UK will keep campaigning and fighting for the rights of all unpaid carers.”

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