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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

“Nine years ago, shortly after I had joined Carers UK as a member and then became a volunteer, I realised there was nothing organised for Carers Week where I live. 

“I had the idea of organising a fundraising walk, with no idea of what it would take. There was a lot of learning to be done, risk assessments, insurance and publicity to name but three. I had help from friends and volunteers and we set a date on the Saturday of Carers Week that year. I lobbied and visited a number of people to get support with no real idea of what would happen on the day. I did not sleep much the night before, worried that no one would come. How wrong was I. The mayor and 20 borough councillors, the Director of Adult Social Care, Boots, Sainsbury, Tesco, GP practices and representatives from Carers UK and carer charities in Hertfordshire all attended. In addition over 70 unpaid carers joined the walk and fundraised. 

“We split the money fundraised in three ways: Carers UK at the national level, and Carers in Herts and Crossroads Caring for Life at a local level. This year we raised £1,300 in total. 

“The Carers Walk has now been going for nine years and the biggest buzz is the feedback from the unpaid carers. Even during Covid, we did the walk as individuals as part of our exercise allowance. 

“Unpaid carers are resilient and resourceful individuals and if organising the walk does something to highlight them, who am I to step down? Next year I am looking to see how I can draw in more support and raise funds for carer charities.” 

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