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General Election 2024: a manifesto for unpaid carers

Ahead of the 2024 General Election on 4 July, Carers UK has produced a manifesto for carers, calling on all political parties to commit to a new social contract for carers to recognise the enormous contribution millions of people make each day by providing the unpaid care that their families and friends need.

Over the next five years and beyond, whichever party forms the next Government must do much more to ensure that every carer has the financial, practical and workplace support they need.

Through our engagement with thousands of unpaid carers and our wider research and policy work, Carers UK has identified six thematic areas where we want to see all political parties commit to significant and meaningful policies to transform the lives of millions of carers:

We are also calling for the development of a new, ambitious and comprehensive National Carers Strategy to transform the way Government supports carers over the next 10 years.

The next Government must:
  1. Reform Carer’s Allowance and other social security payments for carers.
  2. Deliver a new, ambitious and funded cross Government National Carers Strategy.
  3. Invest in carers’ breaks and respite services, and legislate so all carers have a right to a break in England.
  4. Make the NHS the most carer-friendly health service in the world, with new rights and practical support.
  5. Introduce a statutory right to two weeks of paid Carer’s Leave for working carers.
  6. Recognise caring as the 10th protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.
  7. Provide sustainable funding and investment in social care services.
  8. Support carers to manage their health and wellbeing.


Campaign with us

Carers UK is campaigning hard in the run up to the General Election to ensure all political parties commit to policies that will improve the support carers receive.

Get involved with our campaign by:


Sign our open letter to the future Prime Minister, which we will deliver following the General Election.

Write to the candidates standing for election in your constituency, using our campaign action and template letter.

Our campaign pack includes information about our manifesto, how to register to vote, and key questions to ask of local candidates on the doorstep.

Person holding a megaphone up.

Read our manifesto for unpaid carers.

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