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About Carers Week

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. Carers Week is led by Carers UK with the support of a number of other charities. 


Carers Week 2025

The theme for Carers Week 2025 is 'Caring About Equality' highlighting the inequalities faced by unpaid carers, including a greater risk of poverty, social isolation, poor mental and physical health. Far too often, carers of all-ages miss out on opportunities in their education, careers, or personal lives, just because of their caring role.

Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said:

“Caring for a loved one should never be a reason for facing inequality, but sadly this is a reality for many in the UK. Unpaid carers are desperate for a break, for better health and social care provision, financial support and equality in the workplace. Over half say they need better understanding and recognition from the public.

“Carers Week 2025 is a crucial opportunity to increase awareness, highlighting those who provide vital care to family members, friends or neighbours when they need it most. We want to see a future where they have the right support and the same opportunities to lead healthy and financially secure lives alongside their caring role.”

Get involved

Get involved in Carers Week 2025, and together let’s work towards an equal society, where carers are truly valued, recognised and supported.

We all have a role to play in recognising and supporting carers in the community, whether it's by providing support to a member of your local community group or connecting with a family member or friend who is caring for someone. 

You can find out more about Carers Week and how to get involved at 

Carers Week's 2024: Putting carers on the map  

The theme for Carers Week 2024 was 'Putting carers on the map'. In the run up to the General Election, our campaign highlighted the increasing pressures faced by carers and called for policymakers and politicians to take steps to better support carers’ needs.

The No choice but to care report, published on the first day of Carers Week 2024 found that 62% of those who are currently providing or those who have previously provided unpaid care said that they had no choice in taking on the role because no other care options were available – this is around 10 million adults. While caring can be rewarding, the impact of providing unpaid care had been more negative than positive for all areas current and former unpaid carers were asked about, particularly for mental health (63%), physical health (53%), Job and ability to work (48%) and finances and savings (47%). The negative impacts as a result of caring were also felt most strongly by those who had no choice but to take on an unpaid caring role as well as women and those aged 45-54.

The research also found that 73% of members of the public surveyed for the research think that unpaid carers should receive more support from the Government following the July 2025 election, particularly financial support and investment in social care.

Carers Week's 2023 campaign: Cross-Government action to identify and support carers

Millions of people across the UK care unpaid for family and friends who have a disability, illness, mental health condition or need extra help as they grow older. Their support is crucial, but often comes at a cost to their health and financial resilience.

In many cases, unpaid carers aren’t supported to recognise their caring role quickly enough, meaning they miss out on the financial, practical and emotional support available. This intensifies the impact of providing care, with carers missing out on benefits and entitlements, while others are forced to give up work altogether. 

We need a whole system approach to identifying and supporting unpaid carers. Governments, local authorities, commissioners and providers, employers, and family and friends must play their part in identifying and supporting them. Carers Week is a vital opportunity to raise awareness of unpaid carers within our communities.

The charities supporting Carers Week 2023 called on the UK Government to deliver coordinated cross-Government action to better identify and support unpaid carers. This action would focus on helping carers to stay in or return to work, prevent poverty, combat loneliness, improve carers’ health and wellbeing and improve equality of opportunity.


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