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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

The General Election took place on 12 December 2019, and ahead of polling day Carers UK called on all political parties, and all Parliamentary candidates, to commit to improving the lives of the UK’s 6.5 million unpaid carers over the next five years.

We published our Manifesto for carers setting out the top priorities unpaid carers want to see delivered by the next Government.

It outlines why the UK’s unpaid carers are in desperate need of increased support and recognition and what they believe needs to change to improve their lives, and the lives of those they care for.

We wanted the most carer friendly parliament, so we asked you to share our manifesto with parliamentary candidates and tell them that caring matters to voters.

The response we have received from members and supports has been fantastic. Over 1,300 people completed the action, meaning we were able to contact 2,250 candidates.

Thank you to everyone who took part – we are confident that your action will have made a difference! 

Download our Manifesto for carers

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