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UK NI Scotland Wales

This report is based on the views and experiences of unpaid carers and organisations representing carers across the age spectrum; parent carers; women carers; carers of people with mental ill-health, physical disabilities and life-limiting illnesses; fuel poverty campaigners; food bank providers; and more.

Carers NI is calling for new carer heating payments, the local introduction of a Carers Allowance Supplement scheme similar to that in Scotland, and other measures to help unpaid carers in Northern Ireland cope with the cost of living crisis.

Craig Harrison, Policy and Public Affairs Manager for Carers NI, said:

“Unpaid carers across Northern Ireland are being pummelled by the cost of living crisis. Many were already struggling even before the price of daily essentials began to rise so steeply, and we now have carers going hungry and sitting in the dark because they just can’t afford their food, energy and other household bills. This is totally unacceptable.

“These are people that save the public purse billions of pounds in care costs every year. Too often, what they face in return are insurmountable barriers to paid work and a welfare system that doesn’t support even a basic standard of living. More and more carers will be pushed into hardship and poverty if we don’t start delivering greater financial support for them. Solutions are needed from government and they are needed quickly.”

The report Unpaid carers, poverty and the cost of living crisis in Northern Ireland: Policy solutions white paper can be downloaded here.

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