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UK NI Scotland Wales

Two-thirds (66%) of people who have provided unpaid care for sick or disabled family members or friends in Northern Ireland have suffered mental ill-health because of their caring role, according to new research.

In the YouGov poll, commissioned to mark the beginning of this year’s Carers Week, 25% of current or former unpaid carers said that caring for their loved one had had a very negative impact on their mental health, with a further 41% saying it had a slightly negative impact. [1]

Campaigners say that mental health challenges have become ‘endemic’ among Northern Ireland’s unpaid carers and called on the Department of Health to fund the regular breaks and other support services carers need to better protect their mental wellbeing.

Deborah McAllister lives in Larne and cares for her mum, who has dementia, and her daughter, who has complex needs. She said:

I’ve been an unpaid carer for over 15 years and at one time that meant caring for three family members at the same time. I was diagnosed with over-functioning anxiety, PTSD and compassion fatigue as a direct result of my unpaid caring role. I actually had to retire from my career as a nurse because of ill-health. I love my mum and daughter, but caring has taken such a toll. I’m emotionally and physically exhausted all of the time. It’s very difficult to ever improve your mental health when you’re caring, because there are never any breaks. I also get no financial support for my caring role and having to live on a little pension only adds to the anxiety. Many of my friends are caring for loved ones and they are all sick too. You’re surrounded by friends with poor mental health. They’re the only people who really understand what it is like.”

Angela Phillips, Senior Policy Officer at Carers NI, said:

Mental ill-health has become endemic among Northern Ireland’s unpaid carers and that really is no surprise when so many of them are waiting months or years for access to support and the opportunity for a break. Social care and respite provision across Health Trusts is just not meeting demand and the pressure that puts on carers is leaving them mentally worn out and in the grips of anxiety, stress and depression every day. In the worst cases, carers are reporting thoughts about self-harm and suicide, and that should be serving as a screaming wakeup call that the health system isn’t doing enough. This year’s Carers Week needs to be about delivering ring-fenced funding for the breaks and other services carers need to protect their mental health, not empty words and photo opportunities.”

The poll also found that close to half (44%) of current or former carers in Northern Ireland have suffered negative impacts on their physical health. Over 40% (47%) said caring had negatively impacted their finances and savings, while 48% said their job and ability to go to work had been negatively affected.


Notes to editors

  1. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 6472 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 4th - 8th April 2024.  The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+).
  2. There are over 220,000 people currently providing unpaid care for sick or disabled family members and friends in Northern Ireland.
  3. Carers NI is Northern Ireland’s membership charity for unpaid carers. We work to represent and support the over 220,000 people in Northern Ireland who provide unpaid care for ill, older or disabled family members or friends – fighting for increased recognition and support for all carers and to ensure they have a voice in policymaking.
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