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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

Speaking today on the release of Census 2022 information on unpaid caring in Scotland which showed:

• There were 627,700 unpaid carers in Scotland in 2022. This was an increase of 135,500 (27.5%) people since 2011.

• The number and proportion of people who provided 50+ of unpaid care a week increased from 132,082 (2.49%) in 2011 to 152,082 (2.88%) in 2022.


Richard Meade, Director of Carers Scotland said: “It is not surprising to see such a huge increase in the number of unpaid carers reported in today’s census. As our population ages and more and more people are living with long term conditions impacting their daily lives, while at the same time health and social care resources struggle, unpaid carers have to fill the gap. With so many more people now carrying out unpaid caring roles, and with over 152,000 carers providing more than 50 hours a week of care, we need to see significant investment in services and support for unpaid carers. The Scottish Government, NHS Boards, and Local Authorities must urgently invest in services like respite care, financial support for carers, and mental health resources to ensure that unpaid carers can continue in their roles without compromising their own well-being.”


Carers Scotland will be producing a more detailed information on the results. Should you wish a copy or more information please contact Joe McCready, Policy Officer by  emailing

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