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UK NI Scotland Wales

Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said:

“We welcome the appointment of Stephen Kinnock MP as a Minister of State for Care in the Department of Health and Social Care and look forward to working with him to make life better for carers.

“There are 5.7 million unpaid carers in the UK currently with caring responsibilities for an older, ill or disabled relative or friend. Unpaid caring puts people under immense pressure both emotionally and financially. A staggering 600 unpaid carers leave work a day to care. Many are at breaking point, providing more care than ever before due to shortages in social care, long NHS waiting lists and an outdated benefit system which leaves carers in debt to the DWP.

“We are delighted with the commitment made in the last parliament to the creation of a National Carers Strategy. There is huge support for this. The All-Party Parliamentary Group of Carers' consultation returned 5,000 responses from unpaid carers, professionals working in care, local and national charities, local authorities, health bodies and more around a National Carers Strategy.  This is equivalent to a Government consultation response. We need to see this kind of positive cross-Government action again. With an ageing population this is becoming ever more important.

“The care unpaid carers provide is worth £162 billion per year to the economy, the equivalent of a second NHS, but many feel unsupported and forgotten. With 78% of carers worried about being able to provide care in the future, this needs urgent attention.”



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