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A new report released by WPI Economics, in collaboration with Carers Wales and funded by the abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, has revealed the alarming extent of poverty among unpaid carers in Wales. The findings highlight that 26% of unpaid carers in Wales live in poverty, with 9% experiencing deep poverty—figures significantly higher than the non-carer population.

The report, Poverty and Financial Hardship of Unpaid Carers in Wales, provides a comprehensive analysis of the factors driving financial hardship among the 311,000 unpaid carers in Wales, who provide vital care to family members and friends. Despite their essential role, many of these carers struggle with low incomes, high housing costs, and inadequate social security support.

Key findings from the report include:

  • High Poverty Rates: Unpaid carers in Wales are significantly more likely to live in poverty than the general population, with 26% living in poverty compared to 20% of non-carers.
  • Impact of Caring on Employment: Many carers are forced to reduce their working hours or leave employment entirely due to their caring responsibilities, exacerbating their financial difficulties.
  • High Housing Costs: Unaffordable housing remains a major concern for carers, contributing to the financial pressures they face and forcing them to live in unsuitable homes.

In response to these findings, the report outlines several urgent policy recommendations for the Welsh Government, including:

  1. Creation of an Action Plan: Development of an Action and Implementation Plan to address the gaps between the rhetoric of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and the reality faced by unpaid carers.
  2. Funding Certainty: Long-term funding commitments for the Carers Support Fund and the Short Breaks Fund beyond 2025.
  3. Enhanced Housing Support: Introduction of more robust housing support measures for unpaid carers, including the inclusion of carers as a priority group in homelessness prevention efforts.

The report also calls on the Welsh Government to advocate for reforms at the UK Government level, including a review of Carer’s Allowance and other social security benefits to ensure they provide adequate support for carers.

Rob Simkins, Head of Policy and Public Affairs of Carers Wales said: “The findings of this report clearly show the need for urgent action. Unpaid carers in Wales provide invaluable care, often at great cost to their own health and wellbeing, as well as their own finances. Research shows that in Wales alone, the care provided by Wales’s unpaid carers saves the state over £10 billion per year and has a huge impact on the wellbeing of the people they provide care for. It is essential that both the Welsh and UK Governments, as well as local authorities across Wales, take swift and decisive action to better support unpaid carers.”

Vivienne Jackson, Programme Manager at abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, said: “The care system would collapse without the vital people who provide unpaid care. It’s not right that those who provide essential services to some of the most vulnerable people in our society are living in poverty. Government and employers need to work together to help lift carers out of poverty.”

The report also emphasizes the critical need for increased support from NHS Wales and social services, including the development of a National Care Service for Wales within the next decade, to provide high-quality social care services that can alleviate the pressures on unpaid carers.

Chris Kemp-Philp, an unpaid carer for over 40 years, from Newport said: "This report helps to show how so many unpaid carers in Wales, many of whom have had no choice but to become unpaid carers, are having to make sacrifices and be pushed into poverty because of their caring role. When unpaid carers  do so much for the people they provide care to, as well as helping relieve the strain on local health and social care services, it's hard to believe that we're left behind with such little support and expected to just continue caring."

The full report is attached and will be available for download.

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Notes to Editors

Based on the SMC (Social Metrics Commission) measure of poverty, a person is considered to be in deep poverty when the resources they have available are so scarce it places them more than 50% below the poverty line. This measure captures individuals who live in the very poorest households.

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Mae adroddiad newydd a ryddhawyd gan WPI Economics, mewn cydweithrediad â Gofalwyr Cymru ac a ariannwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Tegwch Ariannol abrdn, wedi datgelu maint brawychus tlodi ymhlith gofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru. Mae’r canfyddiadau’n amlygu bod 26% o ofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru yn byw mewn tlodi, gyda 9% yn profi tlodi dwfn—ffigurau gryn dipyn yn uwch na’r boblogaeth nad ydynt yn ofalwyr.

Mae’r adroddiad, Tlodi a Chaledi Ariannol Gofalwyr Di-dâl yng Nghymru, yn rhoi dadansoddiad cynhwysfawr o’r ffactorau sy’n gyrru caledi ariannol ymhlith y 311,000 o ofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru, sy’n darparu gofal hanfodol i aelodau o’r teulu a ffrindiau. Er gwaethaf eu rôl hanfodol, mae llawer o'r gofalwyr hyn yn cael trafferth gydag incwm isel, costau tai uchel, a chymorth nawdd cymdeithasol annigonol.

Mae canfyddiadau allweddol yr adroddiad yn cynnwys:

  • Cyfraddau Tlodi Uchel: Mae gofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru yn sylweddol fwy tebygol o fyw mewn tlodi na'r boblogaeth gyffredinol, gyda 26% yn byw mewn tlodi o gymharu ag 20% ​​o'r rhai nad ydynt yn ofalwyr.
  • Effaith Gofalu ar Gyflogaeth: Mae llawer o ofalwyr yn cael eu gorfodi i leihau eu horiau gwaith neu adael cyflogaeth yn gyfan gwbl oherwydd eu cyfrifoldebau gofalu, gan waethygu eu hanawsterau ariannol.
  • Costau Tai Uchel: Mae tai anfforddiadwy yn parhau i fod yn bryder mawr i ofalwyr, gan gyfrannu at y pwysau ariannol y maent yn eu hwynebu a'u gorfodi i fyw mewn cartrefi anaddas.

Mewn ymateb i’r canfyddiadau hyn, mae’r adroddiad yn amlinellu nifer o argymhellion polisi brys ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru, gan gynnwys:

  1. Creu Cynllun Gweithredu: Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu a Gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â'r bylchau rhwng rhethreg Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 a'r realiti a wynebir gan ofalwyr di-dâl.
  2. Sicrwydd Cyllid: Ymrwymiadau ariannu hirdymor ar gyfer y Gronfa Cefnogi Gofalwyr a’r Gronfa Seibiannau Byr y tu hwnt i 2025.
  3. Cymorth Tai Gwell: Cyflwyno mesurau cymorth tai mwy cadarn ar gyfer gofalwyr di-dâl, gan gynnwys cynnwys gofalwyr fel grŵp blaenoriaeth mewn ymdrechion atal digartrefedd.

Mae’r adroddiad hefyd yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i eiriol dros ddiwygiadau ar lefel Llywodraeth y DU, gan gynnwys adolygiad o Lwfans Gofalwr a budd-daliadau nawdd cymdeithasol eraill i sicrhau eu bod yn darparu cymorth digonol i ofalwyr.

Dywedodd Rob Simkins, Pennaeth Polisi a Materion Cyhoeddus Gofalwyr Cymru: “Mae canfyddiadau’r adroddiad hwn yn dangos yn glir yr angen am weithredu brys. Mae gofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru yn darparu gofal amhrisiadwy, yn aml am gost fawr i'w hiechyd a'u lles eu hunain, yn ogystal â'u harian eu hunain. Dengys ymchwil, yng Nghymru yn unig, fod y gofal a ddarperir gan ofalwyr di-dâl Cymru yn arbed dros £10 biliwn y flwyddyn i’r wladwriaeth ac yn cael effaith enfawr ar lesiant y bobl y maent yn darparu gofal ar eu cyfer. Mae’n hanfodol bod Llywodraethau Cymru a’r DU, yn ogystal ag awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru, yn cymryd camau cyflym a phendant i gefnogi gofalwyr di-dâl yn well.”

Dywedodd Vivienne Jackson, Rheolwr Rhaglen Ymddiriedolaeth Tegwch Ariannol abrdn: “Byddai’r system ofal yn dymchwel heb y bobl hanfodol sy’n darparu gofal di-dâl. Nid yw’n iawn bod y rhai sy’n darparu gwasanaethau hanfodol i rai o’r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas yn byw mewn tlodi. Mae angen i’r llywodraeth a chyflogwyr gydweithio i helpu i godi gofalwyr allan o dlodi.”

Mae’r adroddiad hefyd yn pwysleisio’r angen hanfodol am fwy o gymorth gan GIG Cymru a’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys datblygu Gwasanaeth Gofal Cenedlaethol i Gymru o fewn y degawd nesaf, i ddarparu gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol o ansawdd uchel a all leddfu’r pwysau ar ofalwyr di-dâl.

Dywedodd Chris Kemp-Philp, gofalwr di-dâl o Gasnewydd am dros 40 mlynedd: “Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn helpu i ddangos sut mae cymaint o ofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru, y mae llawer ohonynt heb ddewis ond dod yn ofalwyr di-dâl, yn gorfod aberthu a cael eu gwthio i dlodi oherwydd eu rôl ofalu. cyn lleied o gefnogaeth a disgwylir y bydd yn parhau i ofalu.”

Mae'r adroddiad llawn ynghlwm a bydd ar gael i'w lawrlwytho.


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