2025 is Carers UK’s 60th anniversary year.
As part of this anniversary year Carers NI wanted to amplify the voices of carers, enabling them to share their experiences of caring, both good and bad, and their hopes for the future.
Everyone’s caring journey is different but through volunteers from our Carer Policy Forum and Carers NI’s membership we have presented seven stories within this booklet which illustrate different situations and challenges faced by unpaid carers.
These carers have given us an insight into their daily lives and outlined what they feel would make life better.
Carers responding to our 2024 State of Caring survey were also asked how they would like to see the future for carers. The main themes from these responses are outlined in the booklet in the form of quotes from individual carers.
We would encourage everyone to read this booklet carefully, take time to reflect and work together to make change happen – to make life better for carers.