This year is Carers UK’s 60th anniversary. Over the last 60 years, Carers UK has been campaigning for carers rights and entitlements in relation to finances, health and care, employment and discrimination. Although there have been advances for carers during this time, carers’ evidence shows that much more still needs to be done.
This report, ‘I want to see a future for carers where….’, highlights the support carers would like to see in the future. In the State of Caring 2024 survey we asked carers to tell us in their own words what change they would like to see, to help us shape our campaigning priorities in the years to come.
As the theme for Carers UK’s 60th anniversary year is Equality: today and tomorrow, we also asked carers to tell us what equality means to them, and in this report we highlight the range of perspectives carers shared on equality.