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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

Following the Carer’s Leave Act, a new survey shows that many employers have gone above and beyond the statutory regulations to introduce paid Carer’s Leave.  

Over 160 employers responded to a survey from Employers for Carers (EfC) who found that 44% of these workplaces offer between one to 10 days of paid Carer’s Leave, offering more than the legal right to five days of unpaid leave to provide or arrange care for a disabled, older or ill relative or friend. 

Over a quarter (27%) of those with some form of paid Carer’s Leave introduced this for the 1st time after the Act became law on April 6th, 2024.  

Read the Carer’s Leave Act 2023: Six months on, Employer survey report to find out more.

Employers for Carers is an innovative and growing service for employers. Informed by business and supported by the specialist knowledge of Carers UK, its key purpose is to provide practical, ‘hands-on’ help to employers to support the carers in their workforce.

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