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UK NI Scotland Wales

Carers UK

20 Great Dover Street
London SE1 4LQ

t: 020 7378 4999

Carers Wales

Unit 5
Ynys Bridge Court
Cardiff CF15 9SS

t: 029 2081 1370

Carers Scotland

Suite 1B
38 Queen Street
G1 3DX

t: 0141 378 1065

Carers Northern Ireland

58 Howard Street
Belfast BT1 6JP

t: 02890 439 843

Your query

If you have an advice query you can contact our advice service by filling in the form below, choosing the option “need advice about caring". Due to the high volume of enquiries, we can take up to 10 working days to respond depending on adviser availability.

If you have a complaint or a compliment to make about any aspect of Carers UK, please see our Complaints Procedure.

Please give us as much detail as you are able to do. If you are asking about financial support it's really helpful to know what (if any) benefits you and the person you care for are already getting.

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