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UK NI Scotland Wales

Carer's Allowance Supplement in Scotland


The Carer's Allowance Supplement was introduced in 2018 to meet the Scottish Government’s commitment to increase Carer's Allowance to the level of Jobseeker's Allowance.

Who is eligible?

Carer's Allowance Supplement is only payable to carers who live in Scotland. It will be paid as a lump sum twice a year, every six months, to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance on the qualifying dates. 

You do not have to apply for Carer's Allowance Supplement. However, it cannot be paid to carers who do not receive Carer's Allowance but instead have an “underlying entitlement”. An underlying entitlement is where you are not being paid Carer's Allowance because another benefit is paid at a higher rate. This applies to, for example, the State Pension and Employment and Support Allowance.


When will I receive my Carer's Allowance Supplement?

Payments are made every six months. You will receive these payments if you're receiving Carer's Allowance on the qualifying dates of 8 April and 7 October for 2024 respectively. The first payment this year was on 7 June. If you didn't receive any payment by 17 June, contact Social Security Scotland. The second is in December. As long as you are still receiving Carer’s Allowance, you will continue to receive these payments every six months. If you receive a payment for a six month period but your caring role ends before the six months are over, you do not need to repay this payment.

How much is it?

Carer's Allowance Supplement (CAS) is provided as two separate payments, with each payment covering six months. For 2024/25, the first payment will be £288.60 in June and the second payment in December will be £288.60. These payments will be made into the same bank account that your Carer's Allowance or (Carer Support Payment) is paid into.

The supplement is calculated using the rates of Carer's Allowance and Jobseeker’s Allowance (plus an adjustment for inflation) paid by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

How do I claim CAS?

You do not need to do anything. As long as you are living in Scotland and receiving Carer's Allowance on the qualifying dates, you will receive the payment automatically. For the June payment, the qualifying date is 8 April and for the December payment, the qualifying date is 7 October for 2024.

Impact on other benefits

Carer's Allowance Supplement will not affect other benefits such as housing benefit, income support, universal credit or council tax reduction. You do not need to tell anyone about this payment for benefit purposes and it will not affect the amount of any other benefit you receive.

Carer's Allowance Supplement will not be counted as income in calculating your Tax Credits award. However, Carer’s Allowance itself continues to be counted as income for tax credits.

Carer’s Allowance Supplement will also not be taken into account in income assessments for college student support.

More information

You can find out more about Carer's Allowance Supplement on MyGov.Scot.

Income Tax

Both Carer's Allowance and the Carer's Allowance Supplement are taxable, so you should let HM Revenue and Customs know about your Carer’s Allowance Supplement as this may increase the amount of tax you need to pay. You will pay no tax if your taxable income is below the annual personal allowance. Find out more on the HMRC website.

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