Looking after someone
A guide with tips, advice and support for unpaid carers
Are you caring for someone but unsure of your rights and what support you’re entitled to? Our guide explains the different benefits and support available to carers step by step. Looking after someone also offers many practical ideas to help make life easier for you when taking on your caring responsibilities.
Get the guide
Looking after someone is our flagship guide for anyone caring for family or friends. The guide is an excellent starting point and provides an overview of everything you need to know, from your rights, to practical tips and financial support options.
We have four versions available to reflect the different legislation across the nations, as well as a Welsh language and Polish language version in Wales:
You can order printed copies from our online shop or by contacting the Carers Wales office at info@carerswales.org.
What does it cover?
The Carers UK Looking after someone guide is divided into the following sections: getting help and support, your finances and your work.
The guide features:
- A carer’s guide: an illustrated introduction to the challenges of caring, from making difficult decisions to looking after your health and wellbeing.
- Benefits: an overview of which benefits you or the person you care for may be entitled to and information about how to get a benefits check.
- Other financial help: including help with council tax, fuel costs, pensions and health costs.
- Practical help: including community care assessment, arranging a carer's assessment and direct payments.
- Technology: information about health and care technology that could make life easier for you and those you care for.
- Your workplace: your rights at work, from flexible working and parental leave to protection from discrimination.
- Other help: how to find other help nationally and in your local community.
Other useful resources
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