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Me Time sessions for carers 

Our Me Time sessions in Wales are a series of online activities to support your wellbeing. Activities range from practical advice on carers' rights and caring to emotional and physical wellbeing sessions like mindfulness and dance, to creative opportunities like crafting and cooking. Sessions are open for anyone across the UK.

Below you will find details of the sessions available in July. To sign up, click the link and fill out a short Zoom registration form. We look forward to welcoming you to our friendly and supportive sessions!



Monday 3 July: 11-12pm: Digital Tools to Support People Living with Dementia

Digital Communities Wales will deliver this session. Within this session we will overview how digital tools can support people living with dementia in a safe and secure way.
We will discuss:
• Smart speakers.
• Reminiscence activities.
• Accessing music online.
• Apps for different activities including sensory activities.

Tuesday 11 July: 2-3.30pm: Red Cross Adult First Aid
Are you interested in learning essential, lifesaving first aid skills to help in an emergency? If so, our first-aid workshop might be for you. These interactive workshops, run by experienced British Red Cross educators, build your confidence to help someone in a first aid emergency, using everyday objects around you.
Monday 17 July: 11-11.45am: Fun dance class: ‘Disco through the decades’

An inclusive fun dance class ‘Disco through the decades’. The class is open to all abilities and fitness levels so all you need is your own body and a small space. The class will last for 45 minutes.

Tuesday 18th July: 11am - 12pm: Eat Smart Save Better
Eat Smart Save Better is a one-hour session exploring ways to eat healthily, use store cupboard ingredients and provide tips for saving money when food shopping.
Shopping bag activity, looking at simple key ingredients, the nutrients they provide and how to incorporate them into everyday meals without breaking the bank.
Tuesday 18 July: 1.30-3pm: Carer Representation Training
Do you feel that unpaid carers need to be heard wherever decisions are being made about health and care services? Are you interested in speaking up for carers in your community, your region or even Wales-wide?
At Carers Wales we believe the experiences of unpaid carers need to be heard and understood by policy-makers, service providers, the public and all organisations involved in health and social care in Wales. That’s why we’re offering free online training to unpaid carers on carer voice and influencing. 
Wednesday 19 July: 11-12pm: Stop Loan Sharks - Wales Information Session
The Stop Loan Sharks Team welcome all to an information session that will help you recognise loan shark activity and explain how you can help us to tackle the (often hidden) problem in our communities.
The session will explain:
• The background to illegal money lending in Wales.
• How and why people borrow from loan sharks


Thursday 20 July: 1-2pm: In-person and hybrid tour of Insole Court

Come and join us either in person or via Zoom for a whistle stop heritage guided tour of Insole Court. Nestled in the leafy Cardiff suburb of Llandaff, Insole Court is a Grade II* listed mansion house with a rich history.

The Insole family story mirrors Cardiff’s rise and decline during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. The Insoles were pioneering coal-shippers and mine-owners, railwaymen and docksmen during the three generations of Welsh Steam Coal’s dominance of world industry.

The family reached the height of its prosperity in the late 19th Century having acquired large land holdings, central to which was their home, which survives in Llandaff, on the outskirts of Cardiff.

The tour will be provided by a knowledgeable project volunteer, including as many ground floor rooms as available, plus the Library on the 1st floor.

Please register using the link whether attending in person or via Zoom. A meeting point will be confirmed via email following registration.

Thursday 27 July, 10 -11am: Policy Forum

Come and join other carers to discuss policy developments and topical issues related to carers in Wales with the Carers Wales Policy Team. You will get receive policy updates from Carers Wales staff and hear from guest speakers. If you have any questions or queries before the session please contact our Policy Officer Jake Smith by email:

Monday 15 July 1.30-2.30pm: Caregiving – how to avoid burnout with Hazel Carter

An informative and thought provoking talk from award winning author Hazel Carter.

Being an unpaid carer for a loved one is one of the hardest jobs in the world, especially if that loved one has a terminal or rapidly progressing condition.

Hazel was working full time and caring for her mum who had vascular dementia when suddenly her husband was told he had six months to two years to live. Caught between very different caring duties Hazel had to quickly work out priorities and find ways to cope.

Find out how Hazel managed to juggle the hectic world she found herself in, hear about the different things she did to look after herself and learn from the lessons she now shares with carers across the UK.

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